Drinks at Noon

A few weeks back, I did an interview for Asylum, which is AOL’s men’s lifestyle page and whose motto is “For All Mankind.” If you’re of the opposite sex and hoping for more information about what matters to men, according to Asylum it primarily consists of “humor, weird news, sex tips, fashion, dating, food and gadgets.”

During a lunchtime break at work I biked over the Manhattan bridge to arrive at a Brooklyn bar to be interviewed, then headed back over the bridge, only slightly tipsy this time. I come across as a bit of a goofball and somehow forget to work incorporate humor, weird news, sex tips, fashion, dating, food or gadgets. If you’re interested, you can watch it here:

Vodpod videos no longer available.


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3 responses to “Drinks at Noon

  1. My favorite part of the interview is the extreme close-up every time you sip your beer.

    “This guy may be talking about boring shit like immigration reform, but check it–he’s knockin’ back a brew at lunchtime!! Awesome, bro! What a man!”

  2. I know, like I said–super goofy. Anytime someone says something like bro to me I get really self-conscious.

  3. n20man

    dude you are a gringo- YOU STICK OUT LIKE THE KKK in the NAACP. hahahaha

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